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How to Stop Stress Eating

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Stress is a short, six-letter word that carries a whole lot of meaning.  While stress levels in a person typically vary, it’s something that everyone experiences in their lifetime.  The good part? 

Your body is amazing and designed to help you respond to this feeling.  

However, in times of stress, some may turn to food for soothing or comfort.  This is referred to as emotional eating or stress eating.  While eating for reasons besides physical hunger can be normal, if it’s becoming more of a consistent pattern, then it may be time to reevaluate how you manage stress.  Use these three steps to approach your stress without turning toward food.

Is stress eating bad?

Food is primarily meant to nourish your body and satisfy physical hunger.  However, food is also meant for other reasons, too – like celebrating a birthday with a slice of cake, a comforting bowl of homemade soup when sickness hits, or a favorite holiday recipe rooted in tradition.  

The key is finding a balance.  Since stress eating primarily occurs for reasons other than physical hunger, a frequent pattern of eating this way can lead to eating above your body’s calorie needs.  Over time, this pattern can lead to weight gain.  

Another thing to consider about stress eating is what you’re reaching for.  More than likely, it’s not a well-balanced option.  Depending on what you’re choosing to eat, it could make you more susceptible to medical conditions.

3-Steps to Stop Stress Eating

Step 1: Identify the Trigger

This first part is usually the hardest.  You need to take a look into your patterns to see when stress eating is occurring.  Is it a response to all types of stress?  Is it a daily occurrence? Does it happen only with significant events?  

Once you understand the when behind your stress eating, you’re ready to move on to the next step.

Are you having a hard time finding a pattern?  Try logging your foods into the Lose It! app and then use the notes feature, available with premium, to record how you are feeling during or after mealtimes.

Step 2: Build Your Strategy

Stress eating involves eating as your primary coping mechanism to soothe or suppress uncomfortable situations.  While that bite of food may provide a temporary distraction, the reality is that when you’re done eating, the stress remains.  Because it’s inevitable that stress may happen you need to set yourself up for success with coping strategies that don’t involve eating.  

Try to think of at least three different strategies.  Having multiple options ready to go is critical for success. Here’s why. If you only have one strategy, such as getting outside for a walk, it’ll be effective until bad weather hits and you’re stuck inside. Instead of being tempted to stress eat, you can complete the other two strategies to stay on track.

Here are some common ideas, if you need some help brainstorming:

  • Call a friend on the phone
  • Light a scented candle
  • Go for a walk outside
  • Organize a drawer
  • Do some coloring or art
  • Practice breathing exercises
  • Read a book
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Take a hot shower
  • Play with your pet

Step 3: Take it One Day at a Time

Habits are hard to break, so give yourself grace as you work on kicking your stress-eating behavior.  Take it one day at a time and do your best to be consistent.  Evaluate your progress after a certain period of time. 

If you aren’t happy with the changes, then it might be time to revisit step two or seek additional help.  A doctor can refer you to a mental health expert, therapist, or dietitian.

The Bottom Line

Stress eating involves eating as your primary coping mechanism in times of stress.  To stop this behavior, first identify why it’s happening and then formulate your plan.  During the process, remember to give yourself grace.

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