Weight LossNutrition & Diet

What to Know About the Atlantic Diet, a Variation of the Mediterranean Diet

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You may have heard the research buzz about the so-called Atlantic diet, particularly that it can significantly reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, which is an umbrella term for various unhealthy conditions that increase your risk for developing heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, per the Mayo Clinic.

While this diet hasn’t yet reached the fame of its more popular cousin, the Mediterranean diet, it’s worth a deep dive to understand if this way of eating could be a good option for you when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what you should know about the Atlantic way of eating.

What Is the Atlantic Diet?

The Atlantic diet focuses on following dietary patterns of people who live in countries by the Atlantic Ocean, particularly Spain, France, Portugal, and parts of England. Like the Mediterranean diet, the Atlantic eating plan is full of nutrient-dense foods like fruits and vegetables, fish (including shellfish), nuts, seeds, whole grains, and olive oil. However, there are some key differences, according to Los Angeles–based registered nutritionist Beata Rydyger.

“Though the Atlantic and Mediterranean diets are very similar, people might choose the Atlantic diet over the Mediterranean because [the Atlantic diet] includes a wider variety of seafood, which is beneficial for the heart, and includes more red meat, dairy, and certain starches,” she explains.

Rather than pasta, the Atlantic diet focuses more on potatoes and bread, as well as brassica vegetables like kale, arugula, cauliflower, and cabbage, which are native to the region.

“If a person enjoys a variety of tastes and is culturally attracted to this cuisine, the Atlantic diet could be a good choice,” says Rydyger.

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Health Benefits of the Atlantic Diet

Like the Mediterranean diet, Atlantic diet features foods that are extremely nutrient-dense. “When followed, it can help you seamlessly meet your macronutrient and micronutrient needs,” says Chrissy Arsenault, a registered dietitian with the Trainer Academy who is based in Denver. “Many of the foods included can help support weight management, reduce inflammation, help regulate blood sugar, and maintain overall health.”

The main benefit of the Atlantic diet is the aforementioned effect it may have on reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. “The diet has health benefits of eating high levels of omega-3 fatty acids from fish, fiber from fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats from olive oil,” Rydyger says. “These elements work together to promote heart and brain health, and help in managing weight and preventing diabetes.”

The emphasis on consuming more omega-3s — which are found in fish, certain oils, nuts, and leafy vegetables — can also help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a process set in motion by the immune system to remove foreign or harmful substances from the body, according to research. Processed foods, foods with added sugars, and foods containing high levels of omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation, Arsenault says, which the University of Chicago Medicine also reports. While our bodies need both omega-6 fatty acids and omega 3s for optimal health, most people tend to get too much omega-6 (usually in the form of vegetable oils in processed foods and restaurant-cooked foods) and not enough omega-3.

“The modern American diet is much higher in omega-6 fatty acids than it should be,” Arsenault explains. “By consuming more fish and seafood, you’re getting more omega-3s to balance out how much you get in omega-3 fatty acids versus omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3s are nutrients our bodies need, but can’t produce, so this diet helps you meet these needs.”

There are also psychological perks to the Atlantic diet, which promote full body wellness. “Like the Mediterranean diet, the Atlantic diet is more lifestyle-focused rather than restrictive, given the focus on what foods you can eat instead of what you can’t eat,” Arsenault says. This helps you stay on track and motivated to continue the diet.

Rydyger adds that there can also be a social element of the Atlantic diet, which is another mental health perk — if you adopt not only the cuisine of places like Spain and Portugal, but also their emphasis on enjoying food with others. “This diet promotes communal eating, which adds to the overall health picture by enhancing quality of life,” the expert says.

Potential Drawbacks of the Atlantic Diet

The Atlantic diet isn’t for everyone. Those who are allergic to seafood (or simply don’t enjoy eating it) won’t be able to follow this way of eating. People who need to limit their red meat and dairy consumption also may not be able to adopt this lifestyle shift.

For some people, following the Atlantic diet can also be burdensome simply because of where they live. “This diet relies heavily on the availability of Atlantic-specific local foods, so this can be a challenge if you’re not in a coastal region,” Rydyger says.

Arsenault deals with this firsthand. “Living in Colorado, I don’t have access to fresh fish, only frozen, so I tend to eat less seafood and take an omega-3 supplement instead,” she explains.

And, of course, fresh meat and seafood, particularly grass-fed and sustainably farmed, can be expensive, which can be a barrier to being able to follow this diet.

The Atlantic Diet vs. the Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Best for Weight Loss?

The Atlantic diet can be a good plan to follow for weight loss, as research shows that people can both lose weight and make positive changes in their cholesterol levels while following this way of eating. “This diet is best for individuals who like flexibility in their lifestyle versus following a very rigid diet while wanting to lose weight and while still meeting their full nutrition needs,” Arsenault says.

Research also shows that the quality of the food you eat matters when it comes to weight loss. Eating a balance of foods with an emphasis on high-quality protein, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables — like both the Atlantic and Mediterranean diets — is better for weight loss over the long term, studies show. “These foods are not only rich in nutrients; they are also key to feeling fuller longer and reducing calorie intake naturally,” Rydyger says.

However, she also notes that “the Atlantic diet’s inclusion of red meat and dairy may be a roadblock for some people,” especially those who are predisposed to heart disease through already having high cholesterol, family history, or other risk factors. (Eating red meat regularly has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease, among other health issues, according to research.) However, if you are otherwise healthy, you can eat lean red meat and limit your intake to three times a week, per World Cancer Research Fund International. 

So, when it comes to comparing the Atlantic diet versus the Mediterranean diet for weight loss, the red meat factor could tip the scales in favor of the Mediterranean diet, especially if you think you could end up eating too much of it.

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What to Eat and Avoid on the Atlantic Diet

This diet includes a variety of delicious foods and few restrictions. Here’s an overview of what you can and can’t eat.

What to Eat

On the Atlantic diet, you can enjoy fruits and vegetables, red meat, a variety of seafood and shellfish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and starches like bread and potatoes, as well as olive oil.

What to Avoid

Like the Mediterranean diet, this diet promotes whole, fresh foods, so you’ll want to limit packaged and processed foods. Foods and drinks with added sugar like candy and energy drinks are also not part of this way of eating. (But dark chocolate can be a great dessert option if you choose a type that is minimally processed and low in added sugar.)

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